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International Body Builder and Hollywood Actor Kai Greene in SKALE Gym Open
Tuesday October-31 2017

A lot has changed for Mr. Getting it done since his birth in July 12, 1975, in a rundown section of Brooklyn, New York. While Greene’s childhood wasn’t the easiest or the comfiest as he became a ward of court and into his late teens was ferried around many homes and orphanages. This however never stopped Kai from dreaming and his then inspiration, Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger were reason enough to for him to creative makeshift weights out of buckets and spare paint cans.


Twenty years later, Kai Greene shared the stage with his inspiration and won not once but twice the award of the contest that carries the name of Mr. Terminator (Arnold). Kai’s greatest achievement is the spirit he shows and carries on even through the darkest of patches. From taking up a front desk job to taking cleaning duties, Kai knew he had found a home in the gym and found a place that gave him a way to fuel his passion. His fellow gym inhabitants, Bernard Sealy was someone he idolized like a god as he had finished 14th at the 1990 Mr. Olympia. Kai used the all the inspiration to create purpose to his life and all the physical development helped him grow mentally. In its sweaty environs he was in control of the weights he lifted, of the sets he completed, and it was the gateway to forming the habit of controlling things outside the gym. He started to look at things differently. Each workout, each best lift was a victory. It was here that he first learnt the meaning of “work ethic” and how to apply it.


Within a year of finding his 5th Avenue Gym lifeline Greene was entering local contests and progressed to the national level finishing second in the heavyweight division at the 1997 NPC Team Universe Championships. A year later he was third at the same event. In 1999, he finally won the heavyweight and overall at the Team Universe, which qualified for him to compete at that year’s IFBB Amateur World Championships in Slovakia where he finished sixth. Kai clearly had the muscle insertions and detail he just needed to build size. The genetics were there, and at that time he was in every sense of the word a natural. He waited 5 years before participating and winning the 2004 NPC team Universe where he won the heavyweight and overall titles. In turn this entitled him to enter the IFBB pro status.



At nearly 40 years of age Kai Greene has established himself as a bodybuilder from a mold we’ve not seen before both in a physique sense and a personal sense. His mind as sharp as his body. His body as


muscular as a sculpture or a skillfully sketched masterpiece. His interest in art and self portraits only heighten his image and help achieve that Greek-God-like body. Put together with him hairdo and jaw dropping posing routine makes him the sport’s most avant-grade competitor. With several successful titles under his belt; 2016 saw Kai Greene ace the Arnold Classic. We can only guess what this legend has in store for us next.


Awards and accolades:


1994 NGA American Nationals

1996 WNBF Pro Natural Worlds – 1st


1997 NPC Team Universe Championships – 2nd

1998 NPC Team Universe Championships – 3rd

1999 World Amateur Championships – 6th

1999 NPC Team Universe Championships – 1st


2005 New York Pro – 14th

2006 Iron Man Pro – T20th

2006 Shawn Ray Colorado Pro/Am Classic – 14th

2007 New York Pro – 6th


2007 Keystone Pro Classic – 3rd

2007 Shawn Ray Colorado Pro/Am Classic – 1st

2008 New York Pro – 1st

2008 Arnold Classic – 3rd


2009 Australian Pro Grand Prix – 1st

2009 Arnold Classic – 1st

2009 Mr. Olympia – 4th

2010 Arnold Classic – 1st


2010 Australian Pro Grand Prix – 1st

2010 Mr. Olympia – 7th

2011 New York Pro – 1st

2011 Mr. Olympia – 3rd


2011 Sheru Classic – 3rd

2012 Mr. Olympia – 2nd

2012 Sheru Classic – 2nd

2013 Mr. Olympia – 2nd

2013 Arnold Classic Europe – 2nd


2013 EVL's Prague Pro – 1st

2014 Mr. Olympia – 2nd

2016 Arnold Classic – 1st

2016 Arnold Classic Australia – 1st


2016 Arnold Classic Brazil – 1st

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