The Producers of the most talked about film Mr.Chandramouli, BOFTA Media Works India along with Creative Entertainers have come out with an innovative idea to engage with the potential audience for their film and reward them.
For the first time, for a feature film in India, a Mobile App based Movie Quiz has been launched based on the film Mr.Chandramouli. The Mobile App developed with latest technology is an easy one to download and play for anyone with an Android or iPhone. The Movie Quiz in the Mobile App has 10 questions related to the film, which are easy to answer if the person playing has followed the happenings around the film. The 10 questions need to be answered within 2 minutes after starting the quiz. If the player answers all the 10 questions within 2 minutes, he or she shall be entitled to a guaranteed gift, which may be a Vivo Mobile Phone orFast Track Watch or T shirts or movie ticket.
Some salient points on the Mobile App based Movie Quiz on Mr.Chandramouli:
•First ever Mobile App based Movie Quiz to be launched for a feature film.
•The Mobile App is available in both Android and iPhone platforms.
•The Mobile App is easy to download and play by anyone.
•There is NO charge to download and play the game.
•The 10 questions will keep changing every day and the order shall also change every day.
•The 10 questions need to be answered within 2 minutes to be eligible for a guaranteed prize. For logistical reasons, only residents of Tamil Nadu are entitled to a prize. While people of other states or countries can play, we are unable to offer any prize to them.
•Every day at 8 p.m, everyone who answered all the 10 questions within 2 minutes shall be put through a draw to decide on the prize winner each will be entitled to.
•Every winner shall be entitled to one of these prizes offered every day: Vivo Mobile phone orFast Track Watch or T Shirt or Movie Ticket for Mr.Chandramouli.
•A winner cannot log in and try to win another prize playing this game. Only one prize per participantshall be allowed.
•Each participant must give his/herWhatsAppMobile contact number to log in in order to reach out and inform the prize won and offer them and to be in touch.
•The winners shall be presented the prizes within 2 days of the commencement of the game and shall be given every day.
•This Movie Quiz is open from 26th June to 6th July 2018 and for each day, the winners shall be given the prizes.
•To play this Movie Game, the participant need not buy any movie ticket of Mr.Chandramoulior show any proof. Anyone can just play the game, by downloading the Mobile App.
•The decision of the Producers BOFTA Media Works India is final on the winners and distribution and no one can make any claim over the same. It is a free to play game without any charges to the participants.
•Each winner shall be informed through WhatsApp the prize won and he or she must collect by the date informed. If the contact WhatsApp number is not given or it is not correct, he or she shall not be entitled to any prize under this Movie Quiz Program.
•If you have any query on the Movie Quiz, write to our Marketing Team Members at
Go out, download and play the Movie Quiz on Mr.Chandramouli and win a prize now!
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