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Actress Namitha Pramod Press Release
Saturday July-21 2018

Tamil industry has been a land, which has never confined itself to prioritizing its regional members. But it has always kept the red carpets spread out with warmth and love welcoming talents from different lands. If you’re precisely keen looking out for list of exemplifications, it would run into unending queues. Well, Namitha Pramod feels it deep down her heart that it is a place, where the seas of talents unite forming an ocean of artistic celebrations.  She starts off saying, “Tamil industry has great artistic values and technical excellence. Much alike others in our industry, I have always remained awestricken over the creativity that Kollywood keeps showing up” 


The actress is now basked in the glory over the success of her recent Malayalam release Kammara Sambhavam, which got her heavy downpour of acclaims. Her character ‘Bhanumathi’ was highly regarded as special attraction of this film featuring Dileep and Siddarth in lead roles. Namitha Pramod is now once sharing the screen space with Dileep in a 3D movie. “It’s quite a huge experimental project and things are being processed at big scale. Right now, we have completed a schedule in Kochi and will have the next ones filmed in Kochi and Dubai,” reveals ‘Nimir’ girl. 


Fine! Even before many could find out her name, what attracted them was her fabulous dancing skills. Ask her if she went through any special training in classical or training, she offers a chirp of smile uttering, “I learnt dancing through the films and am really privileged to have gained some skills through Brinda master, Shobby Paul, Dinesh and so on.”

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