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Social Thriller movie 'Bluewhale'
Thursday November-08 2018



In this contemporary world, things have become too complicated that everyone has reached the peak of depression. In the name of shaping of a child’s future in a prosperous way, they are on the relentless run of earning money by becoming workaholics. But they are unaware of their terrible mistake of not giving love, care and affection that are children’s desperate need of moment. BLUEWHALE directed by T Ranganathan is a film that gets beyond the game of showcasing how a present-day individual’s life are confined to hardest situations of economics, politics and many other crisis.


“BLUE WHALE” is a social thriller that revolves around a young boy missing in his apartment after he starts playing this hazardous life-threatening game in the absence of his parents. A lady Assistant Commissioner of Police takes up the mission of finding his whereabouts that is narrated with edge-seated moments, which is set in shorter time frame of few hours. 


In the recent times, actress Poorna has been surprising us often with phenomenally challenging roles. She will be seen as Assistant Commissioner of Police, who investigates the case of missing young kid (Kabish Khanna). Birla Bose and Divya from Kerala are essaying the roles of the kid’s parents. 


The technical crew comprises of PC Shivan (Music), KK (Cinematography), Shanmugham Velusamy of ‘Joker’ fame (Editor) and NK Rahul (Art). 


The shooting of this BLUE WHALE is too close on the heels of completion, where the post-production works are happening simultaneously with plans going on full swing to release in Jan-Feb 2019. 


The film is produced by D.Mathu P. Arumai Chandran with T Ranganathan helming this project.

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