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Nayanthara's 'Airaa' Release worldwide on March 28th
Thursday March-21 2019

Capturing our hearts with scintillating songs and visual promos, Nayanthara starrer ‘Airaa’ is all set to have a worldwide theatrical release on March 28. During this juncture, the crew comprising of Music director Sundaramurthy KS, actor Kalaiarasan and director Sarjun were present for a short and crisp media interaction with press and media. Here are some of the excerpts from the event. 


Music director Sundaramurthy KS has wowed the music lovers with his mellifluous and enjoyably packaged album. However, he rendered very few words of appreciation with just thanks to everyone in the team for giving him an opportunity to be a part of this film. Of course, best musicians have always been people with few words for their songs speak loud about their hard work. 


Next it was actor Kalaiarasan, who said, “Soon after my film ‘Madras’, many have been consistently asking me why I am not doing any movies as such. Of course, I am unceasingly looking up for such projects. Soon after Madras, I started working on films with my friends. Some of them became hits while others couldn’t make a long run.  Sarjun and I were supposed to work together in the film ‘Echcharikkai’, which didn’t happen due to some reasons. I was slightly disappointed for not getting an opportunity to work with him, but I got a call for Airaa, where he asked me if I can do a particular character in this movie. I would say that more than a horror film, Airaa has an emotional angle too. Everything including the look and feel of this film will have a fresh appeal.” 


Filmmaker Sarjun MK said, “I enjoyed working through each and every process in this film. In particular, I was really happy with the way, we filmed the back and white portions and Megadhootham song. Well, Airaa isn’t just about these elements, but there are lots to enjoy. One portion of the film will have spine-chilling and enjoyable moments while the other one would be serious and emotional. We have tried delivering a wholesome entertainer, where audiences will have something to takeaway home. I am so much thankful and owe a lot to couple of people, who have been the main pillars of Airaa. It’s KJR Studios Rajesh sir. I met him first to narrate the script and next time I saw him was for the first copy screening. He didn’t even ask a single question or any update about the project, but he kept providing us whatever we asked for. Sometimes, even I would ask him to drop few ideas keeping budget in mind, but he never wanted to compromise with the quality and provided us with essential things. Nayanthara mam has been a great support to the film. She has essayed dual roles, which are not connected in any way and we had to work a lot in scripting for this. More than all, Nayanthara madam’s distinct and diversified performance in different roles helped us achieve what we actually wanted. I am sure Airaa will be a good treat for audiences.”

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