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Harish Kalyan’s new film titled ’Dhanusu Rasi Neyargalae’
Monday April-08 2019

Star signs remain as an inseparable factor in every individual’s life. Be it a belief or merely a fun, everyone wants to know how special the days, weeks or the years are going to be for them through astrology. In specification, amongst all the star signs that we come across in Tamil, ‘Dhanusu Rasi’ has something unique and instantly attracts everyone. Based on such familiarity, here comes a film titled ‘Dhanusu Rasi Neyargalae’ that features Harish Kalyan in lead role, directed by Sanjay Bharathi. 


Elaborating about the significance of title and the film’s premise, director Sanjay Bharathi says, “It’s true that everyone among us would have a desire to foresee how their days are going to be based on their star signs. They either flip through the newspapers or switch on TVs by morning out of curiosity. Be it a believer or atheist, they strongly have a belief or just try it out for fun.  The reason behind titling the film as ‘Dhanusu Rasi Neyargalae’ is because it pulls in more attention when compared to other star signs. In addition, the protagonist in our film, played by Harish Kalyan belongs to this particular star sign. The pictorial representation of this star has a man with bow and arrow, which signifies the ambitious drive. Similarly, the hero in our film has an aim to strike and what happens in his life is unfolded through the series of events. More than having Harish Kalyan onboard for our film, I am so much happy to see him choose scripts based on diversified themes. While his previous films based on light-hearted Rom-Com and intense love story has carved him a niche, he could have easily attempted to encash with similar strokes, but chose this one as he wanted to give a try on different genres. Ghibran sir will be composing music for our film and rest of our cast and crew will be announced shortly.There are two heroines in this film and we are in the process of finalising them shortly . I am thankful to producer Sree Gokulam Gopalan sir of Sree Gokulam Movies for strongly believing in my script and helping to materialize it.”

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