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K 13 is all set for a grand release this summer
Thursday April-18 2019

‘Content is King’ and this theory might look eclipsed certainly at times, but gets revived over and again through some of the proficient filmmakers arriving with unparalleled stories to present. Debutant filmmaker Barath Neelakantan has proved it deliberately with K 13 that had the teaser whelming up everyone with excellent expectations. With the film already censored, the producers have planned to release the album soon followed by the films theatrical release for this summer. 


Producer SP Shankar of SP Cinemas says, “What everyone saw in the teaser can be referred as looking through the peephole of K 13 door, for there are lots of unexpected dramatic events to be unleashed as it opens. This was something we decided for the trailer as a psychological means to prepare the audience in accordance to the film’s theme. We were happy that our intelligent audience got the actual grammar of the Trailer and could see many commenting on the shots that has few characters getting introduced through peephole. We are planning to launch the songs shortly and are eyeing for a worldwide theatrical release this summer.” 


Adding more upon the commendable performances on the star-cast, Santha Priya of SP Cinemas says, “This might look time-worn as we as producers are continously raving about Arulnithi, but it’s unianimous. Today, we see many comments across social media platforms and online portals from viewers that they are ready to undoubtedly bank their hopes on movies that have Arulnithi in lead roles. Such is the stature that he has gained across the years by choosing scripts that are unique and engaging. His presence has added its golden touch to the movie and this isn’t a customary statement as a producer, but something that people have already recognized and appreciated.” 


With K 13 album all set for a launch anytime soon, Sam CS has swept over everyone’s interest with his stellar BGM.  Helmed by filmmaker Barath Neelakantan, the film is produced by S.P. Shankar and Santha Priya for SP Cinemas. Aravinnd Singh has handled cinematography and Ruben is editing the film, which is already censored and gearing up for summer release.

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