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Actress Regina Cassandra joins hands with PFCI
Saturday April-03 2021

Actor Regina Cassandra joins hands with PFCI to Quench the Thirst of Animals and Birds this summer!


Objective of the Water Bowl Challenge is to encourage people to place water bowls outside their houses, in their terrace, balcony, garden, streets and wherever possible to quench the thirst of birds and animals.  


Popular actress Regina Cassandra is the campaign brand ambassador. She has taken up the Water Bowl Challenge and posted Photos of Water Bowls for Animals and in a brief video, she said “Summer is not around the corner anymore, it's right here and it's getting REALLY hot. It will also be really hot for the animals around us. So I request all of you, the only way you could probably contribute is by keeping a nice bowl of water outside your main gate where you find a lot of street dogs, animals or birds. It will be very helpful for them. The summers do get very hot, the throat gets very parched. It happens to us itself; you can imagine what it does for the poor animals. So I request all of you if you could just do something small like this it would be really really helpful”.


To participate in the water bowl challenge, one has to collect his/her water bowl from PFCl, click a picture with an animal/bird drinking water from the bowl and nominate 5 other people to do the same. The participants have to use the hashtag #WaterBowlChallenge, #WaterBowlChallenge2021, #PFCI and tag Regina Cassandra. 


Regina Cassandra


Regina Cassandra will pick the lucky entries and they will receive surprise gifts. The last date to submit entries is April 25. Winners will be announced on the same day. 


Sign up to collect a free PFCI bowl and participate in the challenge. Bowls are allotted on a first come first serve basis. 

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