Parvathy Hospital create new record for Knee Replacement Surgery

Dr S. Muthukumar, Chairman & Chief Orthopaedic Surgeon, Parvathy Hospital, Chennai today announced that they had successfully conducted a challenging Partial knee Replacement procedure evaluating patient’s expectation. The surgical procedure, ‘Unicondylar knee Arthroplasty’, a minimally invasive surgery was performed to a woman by eminent group of surgeons led by Dr. M.K. Vetri Kumar, Consultant Knee Surgeon, Parvathy Hospital, Chennai. This procedure replaces the Total Knee Replacement with reducing postoperative discomfort, speed up discharge and feel of natural knee joints.
Partial knee replacement, also known as ‘Unicondylar knee Arthroplasty (UKA)’ is a surgical treatment for knee arthritis. This treatment is suitable for people who experience arthritis only in one compartment (section) of the knee joint, rather than throughout the joint. It can also provide relief from pain and stiffness in some people who have medical conditions that make them poor candidates for total knee replacement surgery (condylar arthroplasty).
The Patient, Devaki, a homemaker aged 47 started experiencing pain in both of her knees and all modalities of treatment failed crippling her to restrict her as housebound mom. Prior consulting Parvathy Hospital, she was advised for a Total knee replacement, which she was not convinced.
Explaining about the complication, Dr M.K. Vetri Kumar, Consultant Surgeon, Parvathy Hospital, Chennai said, “The patient was diagnosed to have a problem of degeneration in the knee which was affecting only the inner-medial side of her knee joint. She was suggested to undergo a procedure where the affected portion of the knee will be replaced and not the total knee. We also assured her that she could be discharged on the second post-operation day itself”
After a complete diagnosis, the patient was advised with medication and physiotherapy to alleviate the pain and increase her mobility. She felt better than earlier, but with additional examinations, ‘Bilateral Unicondlyar knee Arthoplasty’ was suggested for a complete cure. She underwent this procedure with first on her right knee followed by left knee. With Antero medial Osteoarthritis, she had a full thickness cartilage loss over the medical tibial plateau.
Dr M.K. Vetri Kumar clarified that, “As per our statistics which is in line with the international statistics, that 60% of the degenerated knees even after failed conservative treatment will not require total knee replacement. Analysis from Oxford University found that partial replacements are safer and easier to recover. The procedure where only the affected part of the knee joint is replaced. The surgical procedure, implant characteristics and technical innovations have to be evaluated considering the patient’s expectations, health economics considerations and measurements of quality-adjusted life years.”
Mrs Devaki, the patient said, “The difficulty that I experienced can’t be explained in words. I had an immense pain in both knees and I was not able to stand on my own. After diagnosis, Doctors gave me a clear picture regarding my treatment. After the surgery, I was quick on my recovery and now I am able to stand, walk and even trek hill.”
Mrs Devaki walked back home from hospital within 3 days. While the total knee replacement would have taken longer time for her to walk, but the most effective partial knee replacement done at Parvathy Hospital, Chennai took her to walk swift and with reduced post-surgery pain.