Thyrocare in association with Brand Avatar presents 'Art of Parenting'

Thyrocare in association with Brand Avatar presents Art of Parenting a unique parenting conclave on 10.00 am Sunday, 12th November 2017. Brand Avatar is a new start-up event and brand management firm that has its strength in brand and event management besides creating new properties. After the huge success of HOMEPRENEUR AWARDS, an event which recognized 50 women pursuing business from home besides providing investment opportunities to many. Brand Avatar's new initiative is Art of Parenting, a unique impact event created to address the challenges of parenting.
THYROCARE is the title sponsor for the event while SATHYABAMA UNIVERSITY will be the powered by sponsor. Art of Parenting is a Brand Avatar's initiative sponsored by Mr .Velumani, the inspirational CEO of Thyrocare to establish a forum/event and bring the focus on parenting. The initiative is also supported by Ms Maria Zeena Pro-Chancellor Sathyabama University. The issue of parenting and the discussion on parenting, what makes good parents, what it take for parents to bring the best out of their children and many other questions were long discussed but changing times needs a change in strategy.
Mr Velumani, CEO of THYROCARE said "The purpose is not draw a straight line and say this is how parenting should be done, on the contrary, Art Of Parenting will seek to widen your horizons, clarify many misconceptions and doubts that parents will have. My life has thought me my invaluable lessons which i seek to share on the day of the event to benefit the present day parents who will shape the minds of the future of our country i.e their children".
The new digital age where men and women are free to pursue their passion and ambition has thrown new opportunities and challenges. Among the biggest challenges are, Children being at the receiving end of pampering due to rapid addition of wealth and the diminishing family time. Under these circumstances, there is an urgent need for parents to get clarity on the issue of parenting, certain guidelines and certain strict NO’s that can serve as a guidance for parents in upbringing of their children.
On this note, we have Art Of Parenting on November 12th 2017 10:00 am at Lady Aandal Auditorium to illuminate parents on how they can be better parents,on how they can handle situations pertaining to parenting, how they can manage the challenges and situations arising etc. The event will comprise of discussion & debates (pattimandram), speeches by esteemed personalities, and entertaining and moving Mrs Maria Zeena Johnson, Managing Director of Sathyabama University said "Timing of the initiative could not have been better as Parenting has become all the more challenging, i am sure this event will be a good guidance and eye opener. I am certain there is a lot to gain for parents and about to be parents."
The highlights of the event will be
a) To recognize 5 parents who have brought the best of their children.
b) Inspirational Speech by Mr. Velumani CEO of Thyrocare
c) A debate moderated by Mrs Deepa Athreya between two teams containing children and
parents, Founder of School of Success & adjudicated by Dr. Maria Zeena Johnson,Managing Director of Sathyabama University.
c) An interview with parents from different walks of life to illuminate the signs and symbols of good parenting and otherwise
d) A short entertaining play or a standup comedy to highlight the message of parenting Mr Hemachandran CEO of BRAND AVATAR said "We are excited to have created and execute this unique initiative. The feedback i have received so far has been nothing short of overwhelming with many parents calling me and saying its a much needed initiative in
changing times. I am also deeply indebted to our sponsors Mr Velumani and Mrs Maria Zeena to have readily agreed to lend their hands in this personal impact event."
Registration is open online on
Venue of Event - Sri mutha venkatasubba rao concert hall, Lady Andal School
(Creche facilities will be provided for parents who will come with their kids)
Date - 12th November 2017
Time: 10.00 am